About OWL
See Programs for times and dates
OWL began when a group of middle-schoolers wanted to spend more time outdoors and with each other. Almost a year later, and from this pandemic-influenced beginning, we continue to enjoy and learn from each other and nature.
Students have made strong and lasting friendships, and have leaned in to their discomfort with some seasonal weather, adapted to the outdoors, built resilience, and gained more knowledge (and more questions) about nature. Students have cultivated and continued a gratitude practice, and a deeper appreciation of our connection with the natural world.
Why Outdoors?
By spending time outside, we begin to notice some of the changes, the phenology of nature. We notice our connection and our appreciation to all living things. By playing outdoors we run, jump, and navigate unfamiliar terrain. We build muscle, challenge our balance, and ignite our sense of adventure. By learning outdoors we stimulate our senses, and our brains awaken with the changing scenery, the different smells, and even with the feel of the wind and the sun on our faces. By being outdoors, we become more curious, and we wonder and want to learn about what we notice. And oftentimes, students appear different after spending time noticing, playing, and learning in nature. They seem more content, easeful, and connected.
What folks say…
“Lately my daughters have been venturing out more for runs or walks on their own, and they even like to find a “sit spot” sometimes to think. I love that they’re being more adventurous in the outdoors, and learning how to be alone with their thoughts, and even knowing when they might need that! Thank you!” -Mom of 3 OWL students, April 2021
"It’s a great group, and I love thinking about how all of these experiences, the camaraderie, and the time spent outdoors exploring will bode well for them all through the rest of their lives. " -Ezra Meyer, dad of two OWL students, April 2022
“Thanks for getting kids out of their comfort zone and into the cold rain. Now cold rain is part of my kid’s comfort zone.” -Parent of an OWL student, May 2022
“Thank you so much for the past two days. Both my kids are just so happy at OWL. It’s especially important for my oldest to expend his boundless energy with supportive, confident outdoor guides.” -Parent of Winter Camper, Dec. 2022
“My daughter had a blast last night, loved telling us about her adventures, and can't wait for next week.” -Parent of Science Club student, January 2023
“Thanks for putting together a great program. The recap emails always make me smile--I'm so glad my kids have the chance to have these experiences with a teacher they love and a great group of friends.” -Parent of No School OWL Campers, January 2023
“Thank you for a wonderful camp week. My kiddo loved it! I love seeing her have wow moments in nature. I’m sure the culture you’ve created in OWL contributes to her feeling and expressing her curiosity and joy and being comfortable outdoors. She’s excited about her next OWL camp! -Parent of Screech OWL Camper, July 2023
“My daughter loved listening to music outside yesterday. We all had the smell of the campfire in our hair when we came home (and I love that scent so much on a snowy day!). I just wanted to note how much she shares with us about how much fun she had, and she wants to go outside so much more after the days with OWL; that is such a huge gift you've helped give her, and us!” -Elizabeth, parent of No School OWL student, February 2024
“OWL’s work is critical. Getting people to care about the environment is one of the most important things we can do. Policy goes nowhere if people don’t understand and love nature.” -Hanna, Director of Climate and Militarism Policy and OWL special art-guest when she has time, May 2024
“I wanted to thank you very much for providing this amazing opportunity to my son. He absolutely loved the fishing camp! Last year he did a week of summer camp with OWL and also loved it. I wish your camps were summer long!” -Cintia and Chad, Parents of a Fishing Club Camper, July 2024
“They were such happy clams! Unbelievable. You guys are wizards.” -Parent of two young No School OWL students, on a windy 20 degree day, December 2024
“Love the quick donation link, hope others do the same. You and OWL are so special! Lucky us to have been part of it.” -Parent of a former OWL student, after contributing to the scholarship fund in Jan. 2025
“My son had so much fun! He came home beaming and said it was like camping, and that he really liked Justin. We are looking forward to the next one!” -Mom of a No School OWL student, Jan. 2025
Have you listened yet? Check out this interview from November of 2023 about outdoor learning with Jamie Gale of Lit Path Studios.
Read an article about OWL in the Wisconsin State Journal from Feb. 2022.
-Photo by Andy Manis, Article by Pamela Cotant
OWL on the radio.
Listen to OWL Founder students and Weslie talk about the importance of outdoor learning. Devil Radio’s In Pursuit of Sunshine’s mission is to work towards a more sustainable and equitable world.
OWL Programs:
Here’s what we do.
We meet at different natural spaces on Madison’s near West side including the Glen, the UW Arboretum, and Wingra Park. Sometimes we venture to Picnic Point, Olin Woods, and more. How do we spend our time together?
We come together.
Gratitude and land acknowledgment
We play fun games.
Active games, awareness games, nature-based games
We learn about the natural world.
Educational nature lessons, local experts, sit spots, observations and wonder
We learn about ourselves and each other.
Improv games, self-reflection, walk and talks
Sometimes we go on adventures.
Camping, bike rides, edible hikes, log rolling, fishing
We end our time together, in circle.
Share memorable moments and a good-bye