Community Resources
Highly Recommended Nature Programming Nearby
Wild Harvest Nature Connection*: School year programs and summer camps that foster deep nature connection, Heather Hutchinson and Alex Britzius
Hike and Heal Wellness: Inspiring personal growth through deep nature connection and mindful play. Youth camps, adult retreats, leadership workshops, and family programming, Moira Farrell
Thriving Wild: Nature-Led Occupational Therapy, Meg Barrow
What Got Gathered: Wild Food wanders and wild edibles, Andy Gricevich
Coyote Fire Arts: Art and art classes with dyes and materials homemade from the Earth, Kati Fernandez
Coral Conant Gilles: Storytelling Naturalist who uses storytelling and wilderness exploration to inspire curiosity, empathy, and connection with ourselves, each other, and the natural world
The Star Counselor: Comprehensive training for new and returning summer camp staff.
More than S’Mores: An all-inclusive website for camping guidance, Lily Swift, Student at Madison West High School
*Heather and Alex of Wild Harvest also lead adult trainings which Weslie has had the opportunity (and the delight) to be a part of.