No School OWL! Half Day Option
Sometimes there is no school. On those days, come play and learn outside with OWL! Dates:
Oct. 3, Oct. 4, Nov. 4, Nov. 5, Dec. 2
Location: Nature spots in Madison, TBD
Ages: 5-11 or so
Location: Usually Hoyt Park, sometimes other parks
The cost is per day. Please choose the number of days you are signing up for each child.
Sometimes there is no school. On those days, come play and learn outside with OWL! Dates:
Oct. 3, Oct. 4, Nov. 4, Nov. 5, Dec. 2
Location: Nature spots in Madison, TBD
Ages: 5-11 or so
Location: Usually Hoyt Park, sometimes other parks
The cost is per day. Please choose the number of days you are signing up for each child.
Sometimes there is no school. On those days, come play and learn outside with OWL! Dates:
Oct. 3, Oct. 4, Nov. 4, Nov. 5, Dec. 2
Location: Nature spots in Madison, TBD
Ages: 5-11 or so
Location: Usually Hoyt Park, sometimes other parks
The cost is per day. Please choose the number of days you are signing up for each child.